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Creating an inclusive space for station users, the local community and visitors with gardens, green spaces and unique views.

The aim of the new design is to create new gardens and green spaces, with sports facilities and community spaces that all can enjoy.

With new public squares and gardens, including the publicly accessible roof top pool and sports courts, we are planning to introduce over 100 new trees in the 1.5 acres of public space.

This has been designed to offer the community new amenities that don’t currently exist. Natural planting and biodiversity are at the heart of the landscaping design. On the roof, routes have been carved within the green spaces to allow a series of meeting points, seating, and open areas to enjoy the views. The new swimming pool will allow swimmers to enjoy the open air surrounded by strong natural planting. A unique padel court (a hybrid of tennis and squash) will become the first in the City of London. Both will be available for the public to book. A rooftop café, with great views over the city and to St. Paul’s will be open to visitors..

We are also creating a space on the third floor for the public to wait for trains or enjoy views across the historic trainshed roof. A café restaurant with spill-out space, a stepped-green amphitheatre for small performances/ concerts surrounded by greenery and a series of flexible seating areas for passengers and visitors to relax and enjoy this quiet space.

Innovating to create a more sustainable gateway to the City

We recognise that meeting the highest levels of sustainability is a vital contribution to improving our local environment for all. We will prioritise reducing the carbon footprint of construction and operation, designing in measures for the conservation of energy and water to enhance public health and wellbeing.

Water efficient fittings

saving 168,337 litres a day​

enough to fill 17 Olympic swimming pools a year

600mof photovoltaic cells

creates 70,000kWh/year

enough to make nearly one million mugs of tea

Recycling rain water

capturing 55,000 litres a day

enough to fill 8 Olympic swimming pools a year

Supports the future of rail, which accounts for 10 percent of journeys but only 1.4 percent of transport emissions

A new publicly accessible green roof creating a new space that enhances biodiversity and wellbeing

Super energy efficient and carbon efficient hotel and office accommodation that are targeting BREEAM Outstanding

Optimised structure to retain historic fabric and reduce carbon emissions

New expanded concourse designed to be low energy

Passive measures to avoid overheating and mixed-mode ventilation to make use of natural cooling

Solar, rain water and grey water recycling to reduce operational energy needs

Innovative recycling of excess heat between office and hotel

A fossil-fuel free, all-electric building

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